Thursday, February 4, 2010

blog entry for Feb 5

The first video clip i had watched at about Spike Lee, and the movie Girl 6. The movie was planned to be the biggest black film ever, all i could think was really? Its hard to understand why someone would have a goal such as that when making a video. Hook talked about how Spike Lee is always looked down on and he can't seem to succeed as a producer of movies because hes not white. I disagree I believe becoming a successful movie producer and actor simply is based on performance and nothing else. I think that if he has so much struggle succeeding then people just arn't fans of him. She said that Lee is know as a failed film maker. She also talked about the movie Waiting to Exhale and how i was the biggest movie about all black ladies and how they lived but it was written by white people? I didn't really understand her point but i do think that she is using color as her reason for everything and i tend not to agree.
The second video that i watched was about rap music. I do agree that rap music is pretty vulgar and that they do tend to have more sexual music videos, but there is sex is alot of other genres videos too. She said that we tend to focus on the worst of the music videos and that sex is what sells. the sterotype of women being slutty and easy is what sells and makes the most money. People will do anything really to make the most money so this is not surprising. She said alot about the black female body that is ideal. I think that is it the same thing with white women in other music videos. Its like the advertising thing the perfect body that no one has is always the one that sells.


  1. The idea that sex sells, and that "slutty and easy women" sell the most, may not be surprising, but is it right? I think this is the ultimate question that hooks wants us to consider. Black, white, asian, middle-eastern, what have you, it is undeniable that the "body", particularly the woman's body, is cheapened to "sell" product or sell a fantasy lifestyle. Is this really the "fantasy" that we all buy into? Is this what everyone really wants? Or do we only want it because we see it in our ads, music videos, movies, etc.

  2. The sex sells theme if 100% true. There are hardly any movies anymore where there isnt a sex theme or hint. Just like Dr. Mortimore, said, do we really want it? Like in my blog post I said about who cares what other people think, because I dont. I'd rather be strange than the same as everyone else. But back to your post, the music is another issue. Even in country music, it's about a sexual theme, its everywhere!! The sad thing is, that the little kids in society get exposed to this at a real early age and can really harm them as they get older and arent sure about themselves.

  3. I think that all people were created equal, Black, White, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Christian. I don't think that people should be treated differently for being who they are. We were all put on this earth for a reason and we were all put on this earth as equals. Why can't we all be treated that way? I also think that the media and their ways hold true no matter who you are. They just want to get their product out there and they dont care who buys it. As long as someone does.

  4. I really like your blog. This talks about people that are being charcaterized by there race. I believe that there will alwys be some type of race issue that goes on the the "media" world. Everyone gets talked about for some reason I dont know. But what I do know that it needs to stop because then people cant move forward to seek better things in life that may come.

  5. Number one, i agree with your point that sex sells because its true and it does. number two i agree that rap music isnt the only type of music that talks abouse. listen to country music and it has songs about sex too. they are just as vulgar sometimes! why...? sells!
