Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blog for Friday 29

I was watching myself today with all the technology that I was using. I worked most the day and still i was on my cellphone so many times. Every chance that i had gotten i found myself checking the time, or my messages, or just picking up my phone to look at it. Then i realized that i was doing it way too much and i tried not to for awhile. And let me just say that it was hard. I think that this would be true for many people. I think that some of us should try to go without the cell phone or any technology and see what its like. Doing this really made me think, and relate to Culture Jam. Realizing that i am just caught up in the technology like the book says. When i was first reading the book some of it left me saying, yeah right. And now i'm starting to realize how right the book it. Today we are so cuaght up in everything do we even realize it? Its unnatural for us to go without technology, and to spend a day with anyone with it. Spending time with family is very important to me, doing this had made me take time to think how much i'm on my phone when i'm spending time with my family. My mom constantly tells me that i would die without my phone and maybe shes right. Not that i would die but that i'm on it too much.


  1. I'm positive that you are not the only one that finds it hard to go for a little while without technology. We have become so dependent on it that it is a practice of our everyday lives. Once I wake up in the morning, the first I do is turn on my cell phone and then the computer! But yet there are days when I could go without my phone and computer. I actually have before and it gives you a different but good sense. You feel more dependent on yourself to do things and to do them right so you dont have to text someone to see if the homework assignment was this and that. It's very sad to see it be like this, and it might only get worse!

  2. Indeed you are right and make a good point. We are so caught up in all the technology today and sometimes I wonder if having the technology is more harm than good. Needless to say the technological world today is out of hand and insane. When some new things are invented i just sit there and think, "Are you serious?" "What do we need that for?" But no matter what people are still inventing and coming up with things, they don't care about the impact that it is making, they just want to make a quick buck!

  3. That's very true. I also find myself depending on technology a great deal. If I leave and forget my phone I feel like I'm lost and confused all day without it. I thought that the book was crazy and that our society wasn't that bad, but if you walk down the street and just take the time to look around "how many people are walking around NOT using technology of some sort?"

  4. Well I can say that I am a textaholic. The sad part is that I didnt even have texting on my cell plan until the beginning of my senior year in high school. I always wanted it but it didnt bother too much that I didnt have it. Now that I have it, I dont know ow i live without it. texting is just such an easy way to get in touch with people!

  5. I know exactly what you mean. I'm always on my cell phone, texting someone. Sometimes just browsing the internet. I too feel totally lost when I forget my phone. I feel almost like I'm disconnected from the world and I hate it!

  6. Speaking of not having a cell phone for a while, last year about two weeks before the spring semester, I spilled a glass of water on my cell phone and I didn't have one from that point until about the beginning of August that summer. It was definitely a major change in my life to go from having and using a cell phone everyday, to not having one for three months. I got used to it eventually, but it was definitely different from what I had been accustomed to. There is no doubt that we take our advances in technology for granted, and this is something that we really need to understand in order to better our comprehension of the world that we live in today .
