Thursday, February 11, 2010

So, are we the dumbest generation!? I would say that no we are not. I think that we dont all have the same smarts, and i hate being a statistic. Especially not a good one. There are things that some people know and things that others dont. We are all going to college for a particular area of study, so if asked a question about that then i'm sure we'd know the answer. I'm an accounting major and if someone asked me questions about a lot of classic literature or history, i'm terrible at that stuff and of course would not know the answer. I also think that people around the age of 30 did not have the drive and push to go to college as much as we do. So, they might not be as knowledgable as we will be when we are 30. I dont think that technology is sign of us being any dumber then anyone else. The technology should be a sign that we are smart, becuase we are smart enough to use it efficently. You could call an older person dumb because most of them dont know technology as well. My mom for example is definately older then 30 and she cannot use a computer well or ever her cell phone. I dont call her dumb its just that things have changed, and are different kinds of smarts. There are certinaly things that she knows, shes extremely smart. If anything technology makes us lazy, not dumb. Its more convient to look up an online book then to go to the libaray, and easier to text someone then to call them, or to even write them, or go to them and talk face to face. These things do not make us dumb they make us if anything lazier.


  1. Totally, I mean who is he to be calling us dumb. I am sure that he doesn't live in a house with no technology. Why are we dumb when we are surrounded by all of these wonderful things, it doesn't make us dumb it means that we have evolved as a society, why is that a bad thing?

  2. But yet because a person is not familiar with technology that makes them dumb? Think anout your grandparents, when they were our age, they were prolly working right after high school or joined the military. They didnt have all the stuff that we do now, but is that a reason to call them dumb? Id say heck no. They actually grew their own food, built their own houses, mbasically anything they had, they made or if they bought, it was in cash from what they earned! Nobody is dumb if you ask me. Everybody has thier own likes and islikes and that what makes a person unique.

  3. I agree with you in that we are obviously applying ourselves and our knowledge if we are going to college to further our education. and yes technology i feel does makes us lazy, but not dumb. someone smart had to be smart enough to invent this stuff!

  4. I agree with you. I dont think that no one is the dumbest generation. There was people that have to invented every gadget that we use to day, and I'am pretty sure that in Dr. Bauerlein geneartion there was technology that was invented and he used it. I dont think technology makes no one dumb it makes us smarter
