The video about new world order that we watched on Tuesday was very eye opening. At first i was confused about what they ment when they said a new world order and i'm still not completely sure i know what they mean. I thought it was interesting that they put chips in people, i had no idea that they actually did this. I think that the video closely related to the book Feed. I dont completely agree with "chipping" people. I think that it is wrong to track peoples every move, or just to have one for security reasons. I dont think that chipping people will help crime rates or anything like that. I also think that if do we start to chip people more and more it will become not only for security reasons. I strongly feel that people today get what they want to get. I think that if enough people want to invent a chip to work with your body to somehow play a radio like in Fahrenheit 451 that it will be invented. I cant help but think that this all leads back to Culture Jam. The media and growth of technology is where it all begins. People become sooo consumed, there is nothing left to consume you have to invent more things. Overall i think that this class has been a very good experience, and i would recommend it. It made me think of a lot of things in a new way, and made me think about things that i am doing daily and their impacts.