Reading Feed was very interesting and better then i had expected. The part about the book that i liked the best was just seeing how brainwashed everyone was by the feed. They had lost all sense of time, family, and anything that's truly important. It was sad to see how they only depended on the feed for everything in life. The feed was always there for them to run to whenever they were feeling down. For example when Titus went and bought all new pants to fill the void of Violet. He didn't know how to react to her on a personal level and he didnt understand that she was dying and didn't have much time left. I think him not understanding was because of the feed. They are so brainwashed to loose all personal feeling with themselves, they dont recognize their emotionsWhen Titus's family had dinner i thought it was interesting that they threw away the dishes and the table, and didn't even think about it. Things are so inexpensive that they just throw them away daily.
Other then all the bad parts of the feed i did thing one part was cool. I like that it knows everyone specifically, it adapts to every person individually. It knows what you want, before you want it. it knows your specifics and what you like what you think about. This would be annoying for times when you didnt want to hear it, but for times when bored it would be interesting. I also like the chatting aspect. I like that you could just think about what you wanted to say to someone and say it to them. Its like texting but not as much work.
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14 years ago